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Aliby offers two services:
Digital Management consultants leading digital transformation. Specialized in modern leadership, data analysis & enterprise architecture.
Aliby Headhunting & Talent Advisory
Our recruitment agency headhunt leaders and specialists in digital transformation, when you want long-term solutions. Also specialized in employer branding & talent management.

Our culture
We are the Pink Company, because we do it with heart!
Because we love people and business, in that order and always together.
We understand modern organizations and IT professionals, how they work and why, what their challanges are and therefore we will create a greater value.
Me and my colleagues create great possibilities through mind, heart and experience for great candidates & companies, This is how we make a difference.
Lediga jobb
Gå med i Aliby Talent Network
Aliby Talent Network · Hybridarbete
Styrelseledamot till Cybersäkerhetsbolag
Göteborg · Hybridarbete
Bolagsjurist- Carasent
Göteborg · Hybridarbete
Senior Frontendutvecklare Apollo Stockholm
Stockholm · Hybridarbete
QFIND - Test Lead / Solution Specialist
Aliby Consulting · Stockholm · Hybridarbete